GREAT COSMIC CHAOS!!! If you don't know what this page is for then not only does this page apply to you, but you also have no business continuing any further within my blog and should take this opportunity to go away NOW!!!


Addendum to Rules

  1. Keep in mind that this blog is not for your benefit, it’s for mine. There is no guarantee (as much as I will honestly try) that information contained in what I write is a 100% accurate. It’s my life, I’ve lived it, and therefore I’m better qualified to judge the authenticity of it than you are. A polite post to me via email (again under the previously outlined guidelines/rules) is sufficient. I may change or append a correction, I may not. It’s my prerogative and, well, it is my blog so nyah!

  2. Religious based responses will only get you singled out and blasted. Don’t base your responses around a belief system that you don't fully understand or like to use just to give yourself credibility that you don't deserve. God hates hypocrites & so do I. Give me logical, reasonable, intelligent comments (pro or con - whichever you feel) or keep quiet. Again, it’s my blog and if I find a way to delete annoying comments, I will.

  3. Do not respond to my blog in a veiled attempt to get me to visit your website. I’m quite capable of finding what I need on the internet by myself. If you are genuine and you just happen to have an interesting description of your business, website or websites you find interesting on your blog then I may, at my discretion, check them out. I hate sneaky people and will not tolerate such a thing.

  4. Do not threaten me. I’m perfectly aware that there are people out there who can find me, my phone number, address and explicit directions to my front door. The dumbest thing for one of you to do would be to actually show up on my doorstep because sometimes proving that you’re capable of something can get you killed, literally. Besides that, I have the Dept. of Homeland Security, the FBI and the State Attorney General on speed-dial. Better people than you have tried to screw with me, frighten me and harass me and have wound up failing miserably. The only thing they accomplished in the end was to embarrass themselves. Save yourself the trouble and just play nice or leave me, my blog and my little corner of cyberspace and the planet at large, alone.


Disclaimer Part 2

Hello again, dear reader,

Shall we continue where we left off? Depending on your response, I’ll either say “alrighty then” or “tough shit. I’m going to anyway; so sit down, shut up and read on.” Lol 

This installment will introduce you to a few rules of mine for reading my material. There aren’t many of them, just a 1000 or so (just kidding). They are important to me and therefore should be important to you. There’s a huge world out there and having the humorless guys in really bad 1950’s black suits come busting down my door for something I wrote that offended some congressman after reading it on his 17 y/o daughters open notebook computer after he catches her getting really freaky with a power-drill and car chains in the basement with his chauffer is just not a kosher thing to happen.

I’d be slightly honored that the tart saw fit to have my blog open at such a time, but hey, scowling dudes in bad haircuts are just not my thing on a Saturday night. Lol


  1. You, the reader assume all liability for any hurt feelings, shocked hearts, pissed off fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, extended family members, wives or husbands. It the cat and dog or other animals can read and get pissed off at my postings then you should turn off your computer and go on the road. There’s money to be made with reading animals (most likely if they’re able to read and understand, then they can also talk – now get going, I have a dollar I’ll pay to see them)

  2. You will hold the author (that would be me) totally, wholly (please insert string of exceptionally descriptive legal adjectives here and move on) without liability in any shape form or fashion for previously mentioned and any unmentioned distress to your or other persons (by way of connection to you) mental, emotional, physical or spiritual well-being.

  3. You will, in all correspondence, be thoughtful, considerate and informed. (I delete flames, attacks and rude people outright unless they are so asinine as to be funny to me and therefore worth letting the rest of the world see what asses they are.) (Also, in regards to informed, I check on information somewhat occasionally and therefore will know, at least occasionally, whether or not you’re full of bullshit or not. I don’t like bullshitters. There is no reason to put a bull through that kind of ordeal. Once you do the steaks are terrible. The meat is tough and well, frankly, tastes like shit. So don’t. Be a turtle-shitter or something. Leave the bulls alone.)

  4. While I do have my messenger and email link available in my profile, use it sparingly. To be honest, unless you’re a hot bi-sexual asian woman, into fetish and motorcycles, wanting to have my children, I really don’t care to be contacted, without request, by that many people. Responding to tons of emails, IM’s and what-not is tiring and the reason I started a blog instead of continuing to use chatrooms to talk to the rest of the degenerate idiots of the world. (Yes, I’m including me in that. “Hi, my name is Grey, I’m a world class idiot and degenerate.”)

  5. Should you ignore rule #4, be aware that correspondence with me is a privilege. If you annoy me with your ignorance, stupidity or whatever I deem to be an annoyance, your emails and im’s will be deleted and ignored and if persistent, reported as spam. I’ve warned you, be nice.

  6. DO NOT, scissor my posts. By that I mean, do not highlight, cut and paste some random line out of my posts to make me out to look like something I’m not. What I write (as disjointed as it may be sometimes) is a thought in whole. Sometimes what you read will be a concept or abstract idea. Don’t respond with some turtleshit line because you’ve read want you wanted to or seen words that weren’t there or thought that I said something that I didn’t. I promise you, if someone makes me mad enough with their stupidity to call them a fuck-head, sand-sniffing, camel molesting, women’s panties wearing, sitting around in the dark listening to the Village People, singing YMCA and masturbating to mickey mouse cartoons, JHW Bush loving, yugo driver, then believe me, I will call them all that. --- The point is, read what is actually written. No translating in to your own code, interpreting it to say what you want it to or think it should or anything like that. It (my blog) will say what it says and if I need to clarify something, then I will. (otherwise fuck off if you don’t like it).

  7. If, in reading my postings, you notice something that deserves a clarification that is not related grammatical or spelling errors, then by all means contact me via email or by having the balls to post your own comment to said post or idea. I love fresh input and welcome your responses within the bounds of rules 5 & 6.

  8. In the event that I respond to a comment, email or IM, you take sole responsibility for said response. I can be totally polite or totally hateful. There are times I’m in between the two, but it’s not often. If you hit send before pre-reading or proofing your message (again, regardless of medium [email,im,blog-comment]) and you realize that you may not have correctly phrased it the way you wanted or should have said something differently or whatever, and I pound you like a drunk, blonde cheerleader on homecoming night, you will acknowledge your mistake and take responsibility for the beating because of your own stupidity and laziness. (For the record, I am guilty of doing such a thing and take said responsibility when I slip up & get reamed for a response in haste – just be mature enough to be the same way.)

  9. Be adult enough to comment to me (again under previous guidelines for contacting me) regarding your issue. Getting all childish because I hurt your feelings or disparaged you dog (after you have been more than amply warned that I very may well do so), flagging my blog and having me deleted doesn’t do anything but cause me to have to start over. I plan on saving as many of my posts as I can so I can just cut and paste them into a new blog that maybe you won’t find.

  10. Remember, this blog is the jurisdiction of an American on American soil and therefore is protected by the constitution of The United States of America. If you aren’t American, don’t reside in America and want to get pissy – Fuck you. We’re free and you’re not. Move here legally and contribute to the betterment of this country or keep your mealy mouthed whining to yourself. I don’t want to hear it. If, however, you are a LEGAL US Citizen, I may not agree with what you have to say or you with me, but I will defend your right to say it. Have the same courtesy for me and other Americans.

Disclaimer Part 1




In Case you missed that, I feel it only fair to warn you, again, that the information you are about to peruse in my pages is not for the weak of heart, small of mind, thin of skin or meek of will.

As you go along through my pages you will be taken through a journey of emotional experiences. I will make you laugh, cry, get pissed off and throw things, cuss me, hate me, love me,  want to have my children (just kidding, I’m a lot but I’m not all that), and possibly more that I just can’t think of right now.

Yes, in an attempt to get restarted on what I came to Colorado to do, I have re-edited this disclaimer to be a little more informational than its formerly hateful rendition.

For ease of reading, I believe that I’ll make this into a few different posts as most people, including myself, have a bit of a time concentrating on things for too awful long. Being that there is a good deal of information I am trying to convey here to warn you of the deluge of emotional experience about to come, I feel it only polite to break it down into palatable chunks.

See, not such a total monster as some of you thought, huh?
(cue eerie music with soft echoing voice saying “don’t you believe it”) lol

So, let’s get started. We’ll just call this post Disclaimer Part – 1 and be off and running